With over 1 Billion monthly active users, TikTok is the place to be right now if you have a brand you want to get in front of an audience. But even with this fact, most brands aren’t on the app yet. Only 24% of brands believe in the power of TikTok. That being said, here […]


5 Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About TikTok

Tips and Tricks For Going Viral on TikTok

When it comes to online marketing, two popular strategies are Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Google Ads (formerly known as Google AdWords). Both of these techniques aim to improve a website’s visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs), but they operate in very different ways. In this blog post, we’ll explore the differences between SEO […]

Google Ads

The Difference Between SEO and Google Search Ads

the power of a/b testing

When optimizing your social media strategy, there are few steps that you can’t miss! Social media is one of the best ways to market your business, interact with your dream clients, and learn all of their habits and pain points. When optimizing your social strategy, there are few steps that you can’t miss! These steps […]

Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok

Creating the Perfect Marketing Strategy on Social

Working in the marketing industry I have been through my fair share marketing audits. What I mean by this is that before our work on a full funnel marketing strategy with any brand who has worked with a previous agency I ALWAYS conduct a marketing audit. I usually start by auditing their advertising campaigns and […]

Facebook Ads, Google Ads

Building Full Funnel Advertising Campaigns

Not sure how often you should post on Instagram? Technically, you can be posting to Instagram multiple times per day as there’s nothing on the Instagram app which physically stops you from doing so. But do you need to be investing that much time and energy into Instagram posts multiple times per day? Nope. But […]


How Often Should You Post on Your Instagram Feed?


Over the past few years, TikTok has dominated the social landscape with their world-class algorithm, making discoverability more attainable than ever. Now we’re seeing users start to use the platform like a search engine, putting SEO at the forefront of content strategies.  If you’re like me, you’ve certainly found yourself on TikTok searching for something […]


TikTok As a Search Engine: How to Optimize Your TikTok SEO

We know that in the last two years, paid advertising has taken quite a turn and display ads are getting more important. With the implementation of the iOS privacy updates it has made it harder for advertisers and brands to sell their products and reach their ideal audience. As we continue to navigate the advertising […]


Why Display Ads Are Important for Businesses

Many business owners feel like they need to conquer everything all at once when it comes to their marketing efforts, but should they? The answer is yes. The more you put into a strategic, multi-pronged marketing plan the more return you will likely see. If you need guidance creating a digital marketing strategy, our services […]

Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Instagram

Digital Marketing Case Study for ‘Complete Human’

This blog post will alleviate some of the pains with Instagram Reels and make your life as a business owner less stressful.


3 Instagram Reels Hacks to Improve Your Skills

Instagram Reels

Having a strong social media presence is an absolute must for every business owner if you want to succeed. At Defined Media we always hear- “but it changes so quickly”- or – “I have no idea where to start.” That’s where we are here to help.  In this blog, we will cover five major small […]


5 Small Business Marketing Trends Every Business Owner Should Be Aware of in 2022

the power of a/b testing

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